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Computer Applications

All Student Data Files for Excel 2016:

All Student Data Files for Powerpoint 2016:


Becoming MOS Certified:

Students are expected to follow the lessons from their online MOS Book, which are helping them learn and master Microsoft Word 2016. Part 1 of the book can be accessed from the school's web page by selecting the Students tab, then MOS link. 

For each Lesson, students are expected to

1) Read and follow the Step by Step instructions for practicing the skills that they will learn from Microsoft Word 2016. 

2) When finished with the instructions, they must complete and turn into me:

* Key Terms Defined

* Knowledge Assessment (Multiple Choice and True/False answers)

* Projects for the end of the Lesson (These projects should be labeled with the project title and their name.)  The book leads them explicitly through the directions for the projects. 

The above bulleted materials will determine their grade. I encourage them to work together helping one another. I will be available for questions. If they follow the instructions prior to the projects, this will help them complete the projects more easily and with a higher grade.  In addition, I will try to have certain days that I will grade for a participating in the Step by Step instructions. I encourage students to stay focused and do those Step by Step instructions to teach them the necessary skills (buttons, commands, etc.) in order to receive a nice grade on the final projects for the lessons. Students work on the Step by Step instructions for the first 3 days of the week, and they work on their projects and key terms on Thursday and Friday. By the end of Friday and no LATER than Monday at the beginning of class, they must turn in their projects to me, along with the key terms and Knowledge Assessment. If they are absent, they are expected to work at home to complete these projects. They will need Word 2016 for the projects; however the key terms and Knowledge Assessment do not require Word 2016 to complete.

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